Interprofessional Healthcare Providers

We understand that patients and healthcare professionals value a team-based approach to care. Our team of interprofessional healthcare providers provide a wholesome healthcare experience for our patients.

Mental Health Clinicians: providing patients with short-term counselling for issues such as anxiety, depression, or any psycho-social stress. Some of our Mental Health Clinicians lead group programs such as Mindfulness, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, and Sleepless in Peterborough.

Nurse Practitioners (NP): these nurses possess advanced skills and work closely with your family doctor. NPs are able to perform many different assessments, immunize and vaccinate, conduct physical examinations, order medical tests, diagnose & treat some illnesses, diseases, infections, injuries, and much more.

Pharmacists: our pharmacists are experts when it comes to medication. They work closely with family doctors and patients to provide insight and advice on medicine. The pharmacists are able to review the medication you take to ensure no medications oppose one another. Additionally, many PFHT pharmacists help to operate the INR clinics.

Registered Dietitians (RD): these licensed professionals are highly educated experts in food and nutrition. They help patients combine nutrition and lifestyle changes for better overall health.

Registered Nurses & Registered Practical Nurses: nurses have a key role in the health care system. These professionals work closely with your family doctor and the other allied health professionals to navigate the patients’ healthcare needs.