COVID-19: What you need to know

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When you come to your appointment…

A purple graphic of a face mask

  • Wear a mask.
  • Do not bring anyone to your appointment (unless necessary).
  • Arrive on time.
  • Sanitize your hands.
  • Read the COVID-19 screening questions.

Please call if you are unable to arrive on time. This will minimize overlap of patients in the office/clinic.

Our services during COVID-19

An orange graphic of the COVID-19 virus

To protect the well-being of our patients, their families, our employees, and
our clinical partners, we have created the following safety protocols:

  1. All employees complete an online screener before entering the clinic/office.
  2. Each healthcare provider will follow their individual College’s direction on safety (i.e. the College of Dietitians of Ontario).
  3. All employees will use proper personal protective equipment – this includes receptionists working behind A green graphic of the COVID-19 virusprotective glass.
  4. Common areas will be sanitized and cleaned regularly.
  5. Walk-in patients are not being seen at this time. All patients must make an appointment first.

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Testing for COVID-19

The testing centres in Peterborough have consolidated. To get a COVID-19 test, please visit the PRHC COVID-19 Testing web page.

COVID-19 Vaccine

Peterborough Public Health (PPH) continues to inform the public on the vaccine roll out and eligibility. You are encouraged to visit Peterborough Public Health’s website to see what age group is current receiving the vaccine. Addition information from PPH can be found below:

Dr. Dan Houpt explains how the COVID-19 vaccine works in the body

How do mRNA vaccines work?

Vox explains how the different COVID-19 vaccines cannot be compared and how the vaccine helps you.

Reopening of Ontario

The Government of Ontario has created a Roadmap to Reopening our province. These carefully planned steps will help to reopen the province while keeping people safe. For details on this plan, visit the Reopening Ontario webpage.

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Peterborough Inter-agency Vaccine Planning Team

This team will plan the roll out plan for the COVID-19 vaccine. Their goal is to provide eligible residents in our community access to the vaccine. For details and updates on the team’s progress, visit Peterborough Public Health’s website.

Patient supports during COVID-19

Do you feel stressed and anxious due to the global pandemic? Do you feel you’re not eating well during COVID-19?
Are you an older adult feeling lonely from isolation?

There are many free supports available to you during this time. See below for details.

Mental Health Supports

Mindfulness Meditation Breathing

This video brings you to here and now. The three minute breathing exercise is used for transitions; whether you are on your way to or from work, or returning from recess. Watch the following meditation led by Rodney Pinto, PFHT Mental Health Clinician, to centre both your mind and body.

Talk NOW

Talk NOW provides free counselling sessions with a mental health and addictions professional, as well as access to a Nurse Practitioner who specializes in mental health care.

Click here to visit PRHCs Talk NOW web page.

Telecare Peterborough

A local call centre offering a non-judgmental, confidential listening ear for anyone in need.

Click here to visit the Telecare Peterborough website.


Due to the global pandemic, the Ontario Government is currently funding online CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) offered by Morneau Shepell. This therapy connects you to a professional therapist.

Complete a 5-7 minute assessment and begin the program right away.

Click here to visit the AbilitiCBT therapy website.


Do you need help managing mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety? This free skill-building program for youth and adults combats unhelpful thinking and manages worry and anxiety.

Click here to visit the BounceBack website.

Peer Discussion Forum

Are you feeling sad or depressed and are looking to reach out to someone? CAMH has created a forum for you to reach out and chat with others who may be feeling the same.

Click here to visit the CAMH COVID-19 Discussion Forum.

Face COVID – How to Respond Effectively to the Coronovirus

Dr. Russ Harris illustrates how to use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to deal with the pandemic and the fear, anxiety, and worry that go with it.


An information and referral service, focusing on mental health, addiction, and problem gambling services in the province.

Click here to visit the ConnexOntario website. You can also call 1-866-531-2600

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Nutrition Supports

Graphic of groceries in a brown bag.

Eating well during the COVID-19 pandemic


You can eat well to feel good and maintain your health, even during the pandemic. The Government of Canada eating healthy web page provides information on food choices, your immune system, buying food during the pandemic, and more.


Put it away for a rainy day

It’s helpful to put some food items away to have on hand for unforeseen circumstances. The following chart outlines different foods that store well! (Click image to enlarge.)

Primary Care Dietitians of Canada chart on food you can preserve.

The Primary Care Dietitians’ Association provides information on making meal prep easy. Click here for the Simple and Delish: Meal Prep Made Easy document.

Food Supplements and Your Immune System: The myths and facts

During this pandemic, our society is also experiencing an “infodemic”. What is this? An over-abundance of information – some accurate and some not. Find out the truth on your immune system and COVID-19.

Click here for the Myths and Facts on COVID-19: Food, Supplements, and Your Immune System.

Food Supports in the City and County of Peterborough

Our community has a range of food programs and services available to those in need. Many organizations address the inadequate access to food that low income families experience. To find out more about these food programs and services, visit the City of Peterborough’s Food Services website.

Safe Grocery Shopping During COVID-19

The Primary Care Dietitians’ Association provides you with tips for safe grocery shopping during COVID-19. (Click image to enlarge.)

Primary Care Dietitians of Canada chart on safe grocery shopping

Did you know that…

  • Some grocery stores offer online shopping and/or phone order.
  • Some stores offer special early shopping hours for seniors and front line healthcare workers.

Call your grocery store to learn about your options!

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Older Adult Supports

Age Friendly Peterborough – Support

Age Friendly Peterborough is part of Sustainable Peterborough; a committee working to create programs, services and infrastructure for older adults. This newsletter edition provides you with information on: Ontario 211, health care, mental health supports, and more.

Click here for the COVID-19 Age Friend Peterborough Newsletter.

Community Care Peterborough

The staff and volunteers of Community Care Peterborough offer a wide range of essential services to seniors and adults with physical challenges. Some services include friendly phone calls for those feeling lonely and wanting to connect with someone.

For details on the different services, visit Community Care Peterborough’s website.

Talk2Nice – Friendly Phone Call

Graphic of elderly man and woman holding hands

The National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly is providing friendly phone calls to older adults and persons with disabilities. This is in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The free, over the phone outreach can be accessed by calling 1 (844) 529-7292.

Please note this is not a crisis line and NICE does not provide intervention services.

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Caregiver Supports

The Ontario Caregiver Association

The Ontario Caregiver Association exists to support the many caregivers by providing information on how to be successful in their role. This association has gathered information on different support groups for caregiver. For details, see the Ontario Caregiver Organization – Programs & Services for Caregivers document.

For additional information, visit the Ontario Caregiver Association website.

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Thank you to our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) for bringing the idea of this web page into being.  The PFAC work to improve patient care experience at PFHT.